Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Possible Trump Supreme Court Nominee William Pryor: Roe is the “Worst Abomination in the History of Law”

Possible Trump Supreme Court Nominee William Pryor: Roe is the “Worst Abomination in the History of Law”: President-elect Donald Trump has said that, just two weeks after his inauguration, he will nominate somebody to replace pro-life Justice Antonin Scalia on the S

The woman who is known as Jane Roe was tricked by the Liberal Courts. The Supreme Court planned on legalizing abortion regardless, Jane Roe is very much Pro-Life and regrets that they passed the law Roe vs. Wade. Jane Roe is a born again Christian and regret that she played a role in the Supreme Court decision in legalizing abortion that killed so many babies. Abortion is murder.

New TV Show “EWTN Pro-Life Weekly” Debuts Next Week With Special March for Life Program

New TV Show “EWTN Pro-Life Weekly” Debuts Next Week With Special March for Life Program: EWTN Global Catholic Network, in partnership with the Susan B. Anthony List, will launch a new half-hour weekly program that will inform and educate viewers abo

Do You Support Repealing Obamacare? Here’s How Many Americans Agree With You

Do You Support Repealing Obamacare? Here’s How Many Americans Agree With You: Practically since Obamacare became law, Republicans in Congress have been promising to repeal it. The law has been consistently unpopular during that time as we

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Friday, January 13, 2017

Looking Forward to President Trump in the oval office

1.) How would you describe the past 8 years under President Obama? Disastrous.

2.) You mentioned that the past 8 years under President Obama was a disaster please give examples. Common Core was adopted in the Public Schools, US terrible Nuclear deal with Iran, US helping Muslim terrorists become US Citizens without proper vetting, there have been so many homicides (too many to count in Chicago alone), so many terrorist attacks, so many suicide bombings, so many armed robberies, so many sexual assaults, etc.

3.) Can you name anything positive that President Obama had done in his 8 years in office? When people stood up to Obama and voted the Republicans in Senate in 2014 and the Republicans controlled the Senate when Donald Trump won in a landslide in the November 8, 2016 Presidential election, when the Republicans regained control of the Senate, and when the Republicans widened their margin of control over the house.

4.) Are you looking forward to the inauguration of President elect Trump on January 20, 2017? Definitely!

5.) Are you optimistic about President Trump as President? Absolutely!

6.) Do you like President Trump's cabinet picks? Yes!

7.) On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest do you feel that President Trump will do a fantastic job as President? 10!

8.) If you had to describe President Trump in a few words what would you say? A bold unapologetic Conservative, strong leader, and no nonsense kind of person.

9.) If you had to describe Vice President Pence in a few words what would you say? God-fearing, calm, man of a few words but is an effective leader.

10.) Who did you vote for in the November 8, 2016 Presidential Election? Trump/Pence.

11.) Did anything that you watched on TV at Trump/Pence rallies make up your mind? My mind was already made up before  the rallies so it was a no brainer to vote Trump/Pence.

12.) Did Trump/Pence victory have a big impact? Most Definitely!

13.) What impact did Trump/Pence victory have? Trump/Pence victory brought back a whole lot of hope for our country. We were in despair for 8 years under the Obama administration.

14.) What message was sent when Trump/Pence won the election? America will be great again! A change is coming for the better, and we have hope and big dreams and believe that they will come true!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017